COVID-19 Update: Games Suspended until April 12th

Update 3/26: Our governing body, STYSA, just sent out a press release for all clubs to follow. Based on their recommendation, all games and practices at PAYSL/PFC will continue to be suspended until April 12th. At that time the situation will be assessed again and a determination will be made about the season.

Update 3/13: Based on STYSA & CAYSA recent press releases and to adhere to their recommendations, all games and practices at PAYSL/PFC will be suspended to April 5. At that time the situation will be assessed again and a determination will be made about the season. Stay safe.

STYSA 3/13 update: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Update to Membership

CAYSA 3/13 update: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Posted on 3/12:

We are aware of everybody’s concern about the outbreak of the Coronavirus that is going on.  We at Pflugerville Area Youth Soccer league (PAYSL) are aware and concerned about the health of all the players and their families.

The league will be adhering to Capital Area Youth Soccer Association (CAYSA), South Texas Youth Soccer association (STYSA), and US Soccer policies regarding cancellation of games and events moving forward.  Local health offices and the CDC guidelines will be followed as well.

We are asking all parents and players to stay home if they are feeling sick. Communicate with your coach of any issues or symptoms. If you are a volunteer coach and feel sick we ask you to contact your age group VP and to avoid practices and games. The signs of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Seek medical advice if you develop symptoms. The CDC recommends that people stay home for at least 24 hours after being fever free, regardless of the illness. Keep in mind that if you are taking any ibuprofen or aspirin, it can repress a fever. The 24 hours would start six hours after taking any fever reducing medication. If someone shows up to a game or practice showing symptoms of illness, they will be asked to go home.

We also ask that in the meantime coaches, players, parents and referees refrain from shaking hands, high-fiving, etc. to minimize the potential transfer of germs. Also, at the end of games, please skip lining up for high-fives and handshakes with the opposing team and forming a parent “tunnel” where kids run through and high-five everyone.

We are asking all parents and players—while at work, at home, at school or at the games—to please maintain a clean environment and practice good hygiene etiquette. Use hand sanitizer and/or wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Cover all coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw all tissues away in the trash. Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in your area.  

If you have any upcoming travel plans local or abroad, we highly suggest and recommend evaluating the areas that you will be travelling to and alter the plans if possible. Some states and countries have been identified by the CDC as having a large number of diagnosed cases and travel to those areas is not recommended and in some instances are prohibited.

The league will provide hand soap at the facilities’ restrooms during the games and practices and promote a healthy environment.

We understand that all of us continue to have jobs to do and we want you to be able to carry those jobs out in the safest manner for our communities. Please use your best judgement. If you think it’s best to avoid games or practices, please inform your child’s coach. We ask for your help in promoting healthy habits and clean environments as we try to do our due diligence. 


STYSA statement:

CDC information on COVID-19:

World Health Organization:

CDC checklist:

PFISD statement: