PAYSL Recreational Soccer FAQs


How much are registration fees?

4U–6U……….$130 per season

7U–10U…….. $160 per season

11U–19U……. $190 per season

What do the fees cover?

Recreational fees cover referee fees (7U and above), player insurance, fields and equipment, uniforms, team pictures and participation medals (10U and under). Uniforms include jersey, shorts, and socks and are included as part of your registration fees.

What else do I need to buy for my player?

You will need to buy cleats, shin guards and a ball. We also recommend purchasing a large water bottle.

When does practice begin?

After the team rosters have been finalized. Normally about 1–2 weeks prior to the first season game.


For ages 4U–6U, there is no travel. All games are played against other PAYSL teams at Pfennig Park.

For 7U–10U, home games will be at Wells Point Park or 1849 Park, and away games will be played at either Wells Branch, Round Rock, or Georgetown. These games are no more than 2-3 games per season.

For 11U and above, teams may travel a bit farther for away games to cities like Lockhart, Elgin, Lake Travis, Temple, Giddings, or San Marcos.

How are the teams formed?

Returning players are placed on returning teams (unless specified otherwise on the player’s registration), first come first served. New players are placed on teams in a manner where rosters are be balanced with equal number of players or close to it. Specific team placement requests are honored on a best effort basis.

Can a coach decide which players are or are not placed on his/her team?

No. Recreational soccer does not allow a coach to decide who is or isn't rostered on his/her team.

Who is responsible for team formation?

PAYSL’s age-group Vice Presidents are responsible for team formation in their respective age groups. We have about 140-150 teams each season, so this very important job is divided among our age-group VPs from 4U to 19U.

View the PAYSL Board members

When does each season begin and end?

PAYSL runs two seasons per year, Fall and Spring:

a. Fall seasons

It begins on the Saturday after Labor Day weekend and ends o/a the first weekend of November. There may be playoffs in November for 9U and older that could run through the rest of November (excluding Thanksgiving) and into the first weekend of December, no later.

b. Spring season

  • For non-High School students Spring season generally begins on the last weekend of February or first weekend in March and runs through the first or second weekend of May. There may be playoffs for 9U and older that run through the rest of May, no later.

  • For High School students Spring season generally begins on the first or second weekend of April and ends o/a the second weekend of May. Playoffs run through the rest of May, no later.

What is the next step after I register my son or daughter?

You will hear from your son/daughter’s volunteer coach about 2 weeks before the season begins. E-mail is primarily used for communications. The coach will have information on practice and game schedules, and he/she will have the uniforms to hand out. The coach will also hold a parent meeting to communicate team activities, roles and responsibilities, and answer questions from parents.

who’s my coach?

Contact the age-group VP. Chances are the team does not have a volunteer coach yet and the age-group VP is looking for one. The age-group VP will send an e-mail to the team and inform everyone the status.

If you’re willing to assist, consider volunteering to coach.


In PAYSL Recreational Soccer, all coaches are 100% volunteers. They can be a parent, friend, family member, etc. PAYSL would not exist without volunteer coaches. All coaches must register to coach and complete a background check to be approved.

How can I volunteer to coach my son/daughter team?

If you are interested in coaching please contact the age appropriate VP from the PAYSL Board page.  Then you must register to coach by creating a GotSoccer Coach account and submitting your information for a background check. Upon approval, your VP will be in touch around the time registration is ending. If you have players who want to join your team, please make sure each player states their request in their registration. We attempt to honor all the requests we can, but sometimes it’s not possible. Contact your VP for questions.

Once you’re approved and looking to learn more as a coach, PAYSL can reimburse coaches that take certain coaching courses. Contact our Exec. VP of Training for more information.


For Recreational Soccer, you may request a refund before the season starts. Once the season starts, no refunds will be issued.

The amount of your refund depends on when you request it.

  1. Before registration deadline - If the registration deadline has not passed, you will receive a full refund.

  2. After registration deadline - If the registration deadline has passed but it’s still before the season and you have not received a uniform, a $30 non-refundable fee applies. The remainder of your registration fees will be refunded.

  3. After registration deadline and receiving uniform - If the registration deadline has passed but it’s still before the season and you have already received a uniform, a $50 non-refundable fee applies. The remainder of your registration fees will be refunded.

    Once again, after the season begins no refunds will be issued.



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