PAYSL Rec Laws of the Game

For Pflugerville FC Jr Academy, Academy, or Select teams, please refer to your league website for specific rules.

Basic Rules
Birth Year Age Group Format Ball Size Offside & Goalkeepers Headers
2021 4U 3v3 3 NO NO
2020 5U
2019 6U
2018 7U 4v4
2017 8U 5v5 Goalkeepers, no offside
2016 9U 7v7 4 Offside begins past the build-out line
2015 10U
2014 11U 9v9 YES
2013 12U YES
2012 13U 11v11 5
2011 14U
2010 15U
2009 16U
2008 17U
2007 18U
2006 19U

PAYSL RECREATIONAL Rules for 4U, 5U, and 6U

Last Updated: September 2022


FIFA rules shall apply except where such rules conflict with these rules and, in these instances, these guidelines are adopted.

Law 1 - Field of Play

15 to 20 yards wide by 20 to 30 yards long. Center circle shall be 3 yards in radius. No penalty area. Goals shall be approximately 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide.

Law 2 - The Ball

The ball shall be a size 3.

Law 3 - Number of Players

Each 4U/5U/6U team shall play no more than 3 players on a single field at a time. Team rosters shall have no more than 6 players.

A team must have a minimum of 2 players to start and continue a game.

Coaches must play each registered player who is present one half of the game unless unable to do so due to player’s illness or injury, or for disciplinary reasons. In the event that a player is present but will not be playing, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach as to the reason that the player will not participate.

For 4U/5U/6U, coaches will be allowed on the field. Only 1 coach may be on the field, they must remain on the defensive end of the field, and may only serve to direct the players. If a ball rebounds off of a coach, then the ball is still in play, unless the coach has deliberately prevented a goal or denied an obvious goal scoring opportunity, at which point the coach will be sent off the field of play.

There are no goalkeepers in 4U/5U/6U play. This simply means no player may use their hands. Any player may position themselves anywhere on the field except as noted in other laws.

Law 4 - Player’s Equipment

Each player will be required to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear. The referee will inspect shin guards and footwear for possible hazards and may order the equipment changed before the player will be allowed to enter field. Players will not be allowed to wear jewelry, including watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings or other types of body piercing jewelry. No player wearing a cast, hard or soft, will be allowed to play.

Uniforms will be color coordinated, and must have an identifying number on the jersey. "Sliding pants" may be worn. No caps or headwear will be allowed, except during adverse weather conditions, and then only at the discretion of the referee.

Law 5 - Referee

Referees are not provided. Coaches will control the flow of the game and work together to provide a safe environment for all players on both teams.

Law 6 - Assistant Referees

There will be no Assistant Referees provided for 4U/5U/6U matches.

Law 7 - Duration of the Match

The match will consist of four (4) 10 minute quarters with a 1 minute break between quarters1 -2 and 3-4 and a 3 minute halftime between qtrs 2-3.

The referee may adjust the length of the quarters or the half-time to accommodate injuries, or other stoppages. The referee/coach may elect to lengthen the half-time or provide water breaks as playing conditions dictate.

Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play

A kick-off is a way of starting play at the start of each half and restarting play after a goal has been scored. Play begins when the ball is kicked and has moved. A player taking the initial kick may not play the ball again unless it has been touched by a team mate or an opponent. If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the point where the ball was touched the second time.Due to the small size of the fields, a goal may not be scored directly from kick-off.

A dropped ball is a way of restarting the match after a temporary stoppage, specifically for an injury. The manner in which the ball is dropped is entirely up to the referee. The ball must touch the ground before it is kicked, or the referee will repeat the drop.

Law 9 - The Ball In and Out of Play

The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air. The ball is also out of play when play has been stopped by the referee. The ball is in play at all other times, including when it rebounds from a goal post, crossbar, corner flag, or referee. For U4/U5, when the ball has gone out of play, another ball is immediately played onto the field by adult helpers positioned around the field. The only dead ball restarts are the kickoffs.

For U6 all out of play restarts will be kick-ins from where the ball exited the field of play.

Law 10 - The Method of Scoring

A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided that there has been no infringement of the other rules. Officially, there is no score kept at this age level, however, referees will keep track of the scoring for review by league officials in the interest of fairness. No standings are kept at this age level.

Law 11 - Offside

There is no offside in this age group.

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct

Penal Fouls include kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, jumping at an opponent, charging an opponent, striking or attempting to strike an opponent, pushing an opponent, tackling an opponent to gain possession of the ball and making contact with the opponent before touching the ball, holding an opponent, spitting at an opponent, handling a ball deliberately.

Technical Fouls include playing in a dangerous manner, wasting time, impeding the progress of an opponent (obstruction).

For this age group, all fouls are punished by awarding an indirect free kick to the opponent of the team committing the foul. (A team cannot score directly by kicking an indirect free kick into the goal. One player other than the kicker, must touch the ball for the goal to count.) All opposing players must be at least 5 yards away from the kicker when the free kick is taken. There are no penalty kicks in this age group.

In accordance with FIFA rules, a player may be shown a yellow card, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • unsporting behavior

  • dissent by work or action

  • persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game

  • delays in the restart of play

  • failure to respect the proper distance when play is restarted with a kick

  • entering or reentering the field of play without the referee’s permission

Also, a player may be shown the red card and sent off the field, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • serious foul play

  • violent conduct

  • spitting at an opponent

  • denying the opposing team a goal by deliberately handling the ball

  • using offensive, insulting or abusive language

  • second caution in the same match

Referees are instructed not to show yellow or red cards except in the case of "out of control" behavior. If a player commits any of the preceding offenses, then the referee will advise the coach of the offense, and may request that the coach remove the player from the game in order to counsel the player. If a coach or assistant coach commits any of the preceding offenses, they may be shown the yellow card or red card as appropriate, and the referee will report the infringement to the Officer of the Day for appropriate action by the PAYSL Discipline and Protest Committee.

Law 13 - Free Kicks

As mentioned previously, all free kicks are "indirect". The ball must be stationary (not moving) when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. Opposing players must maintain a distance of at least 5 yards from the kicker. The referee will signal that the kick is indirect by raising his arm above his head, and maintaining this position until the kick has been taken and the ball has touched another player or goes out of play. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved.

Law 14 - The Penalty Kick

There are no Penalty Kicks in this age group.

Law 15 - The Throw-In

There are no throw in’s in this age group. For 4U/5U, when a ball has gone out of play, another ball is immediately played into the field by adult helpers positioned around the field. The only dead ball restarts are the kickoffs.

For 6U all out of play restarts will be kick-ins from where the ball exited the field of play.

Law 16 - The Goal Kick

There are no goal kicks in this age group. For 4U/5U, when a ball has gone out of play, another ball is immediately played into the field by adult helpers positioned around the field. The only dead ball restarts are the kickoffs.

For 6U all out of play restarts will be kick-ins from where the ball exited the field of play.

Law 17 - The Corner Kick

There are no corner kicks in this age group. For 4U/5U when a ball has gone out of play, another ball is immediately played into the field by adult helpers positioned around the field. The only dead ball restarts are the kickoffs.

For 6U all out of play restarts will be kick-ins from where the ball exited the field of play.

Law 18 - Substitutions

Unlimited, can be made at any time. Coaches should try to perform when there is a stoppage in play to minimize disruption to the flow of the game.


Last Reviewed: March 2023

Last Updated: March 2023


FIFA rules shall apply except where such rules conflict with these rules and, in these instances, these guidelines are adopted.

Law 1 - Field of Play

25 to 35 yards wide by 35 to 40 yards long. Center circle shall by 5 yards in radius. Goal area is 3 yards by 10 yards. Goals shall be approximately 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide.

Both teams will occupy one side of the field and parents will occupy the opposite side of the field.

Law 2 - The Ball

The ball shall be a size 3.

Law 3 - Number of Players

Each Under 7 team shall play no more than 4 players on a single field at a time. Team rosters shall have no more than 8 players.

A team must have a minimum of 3 players to start and continue a game.

Coaches must play each registered player who is present one half of the game unless unable to do so due to player’s illness or injury, or for disciplinary reasons. In the event that a player is present but will not be playing, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach as to the reason that the player will not participate.

There are no goalkeepers in Under 8 play. This simply means no player may use their hands. Any player may position themselves anywhere on the field except as noted in other laws.

Law 4 - Player’s Equipment

Each player will be required to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear. The referee will inspect shin guards and footwear for possible hazards and may order the equipment changed before the player will be allowed to enter field. Players will not be allowed to wear jewelry, including watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings or other types of body piercing jewelry. No player wearing a cast, hard or soft, will be allowed to play.

Uniforms will be color coordinated, and must have an identifying number on the jersey. "Sliding pants" may be worn provided that they match the color of the uniform shorts. No caps or headwear, except for goalkeepers, will be allowed, except during adverse weather conditions, and then only at the discretion of the referee.

Law 5 - Referee

A Referee will be provided for each match.

Law 6 - Assistant Referees

There are no assistant referees provided for 7U matches

Law 7 - Duration of the Match

The match will consist of two (2) 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime.

The referee may adjust the length of the halves or the half-time to accommodate injuries, or other stoppages. The referee may elect to lengthen the half-time or provide water breaks as playing conditions dictate.

Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play

A kick-off is a way of starting play at the start of each half and restarting play after a goal has been scored. Play begins when the ball is kicked and has moved. A player taking the initial kick may not play the ball again unless it has been touched by a team mate or an opponent. If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the point where the ball was touched the second time. Kick-off's will be considered as an indirect kick so no goal can be scored from the kick-off unless it touches another player before going into the goal (in this case a goal kick would be awarded to the opposing team).

A dropped ball is a way of restarting the match after a temporary stoppage, specifically for an injury. The manner in which the ball is dropped is entirely up to the referee. The ball must touch the ground before it is kicked, or the referee will repeat the drop.

Law 9 - The Ball In and Out of Play

The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air. The ball is also out of play when play has been stopped by the referee. The ball is in play at all other times, including when it rebounds from a goal post, crossbar, corner flag, or referee.

Law 10 - The Method of Scoring

A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided that there has been no infringement of the other rules. For the goal to count, ALL offensive players must be on the offensive side of the field, if not then a goal kick will be awarded to the defensive team. Officially, there is no score kept at this age level, however, referees will keep track of the scoring for review by league officials in the interest of fairness. No official standings are kept at this age level.

Law 11 - Offside

There is no offside in this age group.

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct

Penal Fouls include kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, jumping at an opponent, charging an opponent, striking or attempting to strike an opponent, pushing an opponent, tackling an opponent to gain possession of the ball and making contact with the opponent before touching the ball, holding an opponent, spitting at an opponent, handling a ball deliberately.

Technical Fouls include playing in a dangerous manner, wasting time, impeding the progress of an opponent (obstruction), commits any other offense, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution of dismiss a player.

For this age group, all fouls are punished by awarding an indirect free kick to the opponent of the team committing the foul. (A team cannot score directly by kicking an indirect free kick into the goal. One player other than the kicker, must touch the ball for the goal to count. All opposing players must be at least 8 yards away from the kicker when the free kick is taken. There are no penalty kicks in this age group.

In accordance with FIFA rules, a player may be shown a yellow card, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • unsporting behavior

  • dissent by work or action

  • persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game

  • delays in the restart of play

  • failure to respect the proper distance when play is restarted with a kick

  • entering or reentering the field of play without the referee’s permission

Also, a player may be shown the red card and sent off the field, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • serious foul play

  • violent conduct

  • spitting at an opponent

  • denying the opposing team a goal by deliberately handling the ball

  • using offensive, insulting or abusive language

  • second caution in the same match

Referees are instructed not to show red cards except in the case of "out of control" behavior. If a player commits any of the preceding offenses that would normally result in a red card (sendoff), then the referee will show the yellow card (caution) the player, advise the coach of the offense, and request that the coach remove the player from the game in order to counsel the player. If a coach or assistant coach commits any of the preceding offenses, they may be shown the yellow card or red card as appropriate, and the referee will report the infringement to the Officer of the Day for appropriate action by the PAYSL Discipline and Protest Committee.

Law 13 - Free Kicks

As mentioned previously, all free kicks are "indirect". The ball must be stationary (not moving) when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. Opposing players must maintain a distance of at least 8 yards from the kicker. The referee will signal that the kick is indirect by raising his arm above his head, and maintaining this position until the kick has been taken and the ball has touched another player or goes out of play. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved.

Law 14 - The Penalty Kick

There are no Penalty Kicks in this age group.

Law 15 - The Throw-In

A throw-in is a method of restarting play. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. A throw-in is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on the ground or in the air, from the point where it crossed the touch line, and is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball.

The player taking the throw-in shall face the field of play, keep part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside of the touch line, use both hands, and bring the ball from behind and over his or her head. The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. The ball is immediately in play when it enters the field of play.

If the player making the throw infringes on any of the above rules governing throw-ins, he or she is allowed one more attempt to throw the ball in correctly. If a second attempt is still infringing on the rules, then the opposing team is awarded the throw-in.

Law 16 - The Goal Kick

A goal kick is a method of restarting play. A goal cannot be scored directly from taking a goal kick. Since the goal kick will be played as a indirect kick, it must touch another player before a goal can be scored. A goal kick is awarded when the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the goal line, on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed anywhere within the defending team’s goal area. Opponents must retreat to their own half of the field until the ball has been kicked. The kicker does not play the ball again until it has touched another player. The ball is in play when it has been kicked directly beyond the penalty area. Another player on the team taking the goal kick may not play the ball until it has passed entirely out of the penalty area.

If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it is out of the penalty area, or a team mate of the kicker touches the ball before it is out of the penalty area then the goal kick shall be retaken.

Law 17 - The Corner Kick

A corner kick is a method of restarting play. A goal may not be scored directly from a corner kick since it is classified as an indirect kick. A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the defending team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed inside the corner arc at the nearest corner flag post. Opponents must remain at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play. The corner flag post is not moved. The ball is kicked by a member of the attacking team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved. A kicker does not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player.

Law 18 - Slide Tackling

Slide Tackling IS NOT allowed in the 7U age group. Any player attempting a slide tackle will be asked to leave the field of play. Player may be substituted.

Law 19 - Substitutions

Unlimited. Must be made from the midfield line, prior permission of the referee is required and can be made at the following stoppage in play:

  • On a throw-in (by the team in possession)

  • On a goal kick (by either team)

  • After any goal (by either team)

  • After stoppage of play for an injury (either team)

  • After a caution (the player receiving the caution)

Permission of the referee is not required:

  • The resumption of play after the half time break.


Last Reviewed: March 2023

Last Updated: March 2023


FIFA rules shall apply except where such rules conflict with these rules and, in these instances, these guidelines are adopted.

8U teams will play with a goalkeeper on the field. See Law 3 - Number of Players for more information.

Law 1 - Field of Play

25 to 35 yards wide by 35 to 40 yards long. Center circle shall by 5 yards in radius. Goal area is 3 yards by 10 yards. Goals shall be approximately 4–5 feet tall by 6–10 feet wide.

Both teams will occupy one side of the field and parents will occupy the opposite side of the field.

Law 2 - The Ball

The ball shall be a size 3.

Law 3 - Number of Players

Each 8U team shall play no more than 5 players on a single field at a time. One of the players must be a goalkeeper. Team rosters shall have no more than 8 players. An 8U team must have a minimum of 4 players to start and continue a game, and one of the players must be a goalkeeper.

If a team does not have the required number of players, the match will be declared a forfeit.

Coaches must play each registered player who is present one half of the game unless unable to do so due to player’s illness or injury, or for disciplinary reasons. In the event that a player is present but will not be playing, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach as to the reason that the player will not participate.

Law 4 - Player’s Equipment

Each player will be required to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear. The referee will inspect shin guards and footwear for possible hazards and may order the equipment changed before the player will be allowed to enter field. Players will not be allowed to wear jewelry, including watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings or other types of body piercing jewelry. No player wearing a cast, hard or soft, will be allowed to play.

Uniforms will be color coordinated, and must have an identifying number on the jersey. "Sliding pants" may be worn provided that they match the color of the uniform shorts. No caps or headwear, except for goalkeepers, will be allowed, except during adverse weather conditions, and then only at the discretion of the referee.

Law 5 - Referee

A Referee will be provided for each match.

Law 6 - Assistant Referees

There are no assistant referees provided for 8U matches

Law 7 - Duration of the Match

The match will consist of two (2) 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime.

The referee may adjust the length of the halves or the half-time to accommodate injuries, or other stoppages. The referee may elect to lengthen the half-time or provide water breaks as playing conditions dictate.

Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play

A kick-off is a way of starting play at the start of each half and restarting play after a goal has been scored. Play begins when the ball is kicked and has moved. A player taking the initial kick may not play the ball again unless it has been touched by a team mate or an opponent. If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the point where the ball was touched the second time. Kick-off's will be considered as an indirect kick so no goal can be scored from the kick-off unless it touches another player before going into the goal (in this case a goal kick would be awarded to the opposing team).

A dropped ball is a way of restarting the match after a temporary stoppage, specifically for an injury. The manner in which the ball is dropped is entirely up to the referee. The ball must touch the ground before it is kicked, or the referee will repeat the drop.

Law 9 - The Ball In and Out of Play

The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air. The ball is also out of play when play has been stopped by the referee. The ball is in play at all other times, including when it rebounds from a goal post, crossbar, corner flag, or referee.

Law 10 - The Method of Scoring

A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided that there has been no infringement of the other rules. All players do not need to be pass the Center Line for a goal to count. No official standings are kept at this age level.

Law 11 - Offside

There is no offside in this age group.

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct

Penal Fouls include kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, jumping at an opponent, charging an opponent, striking or attempting to strike an opponent, pushing an opponent, tackling an opponent to gain possession of the ball and making contact with the opponent before touching the ball, holding an opponent, spitting at an opponent, handling a ball deliberately.

Technical Fouls include playing in a dangerous manner, wasting time, impeding the progress of an opponent (obstruction), commits any other offense, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution of dismiss a player.

For this age group, all fouls are punished by awarding an indirect free kick to the opponent of the team committing the foul. (A team cannot score directly by kicking an indirect free kick into the goal. One player other than the kicker, must touch the ball for the goal to count. All opposing players must be at least 8 yards away from the kicker when the free kick is taken. There are no penalty kicks in this age group.

In accordance with FIFA rules, a player may be shown a yellow card, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • unsporting behavior

  • dissent by work or action

  • persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game

  • delays in the restart of play

  • failure to respect the proper distance when play is restarted with a kick

  • entering or reentering the field of play without the referee’s permission

Also, a player may be shown the red card and sent off the field, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • serious foul play

  • violent conduct

  • spitting at an opponent

  • denying the opposing team a goal by deliberately handling the ball

  • using offensive, insulting or abusive language

  • second caution in the same match

Referees are instructed not to show red cards except in the case of "out of control" behavior. If a player commits any of the preceding offenses that would normally result in a red card (sendoff), then the referee will show the yellow card (caution) the player, advise the coach of the offense, and request that the coach remove the player from the game in order to counsel the player. If a coach or assistant coach commits any of the preceding offenses, they may be shown the yellow card or red card as appropriate, and the referee will report the infringement to the Officer of the Day for appropriate action by the PAYSL Discipline and Protest Committee.

Law 13 - Free Kicks

As mentioned previously, all free kicks are "indirect". The ball must be stationary (not moving) when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. Opposing players must maintain a distance of at least 8 yards from the kicker. The referee will signal that the kick is indirect by raising his arm above his head, and maintaining this position until the kick has been taken and the ball has touched another player or goes out of play. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved.

Law 14 - The Penalty Kick

There are no Penalty Kicks in this age group.

Law 15 - The Throw-In

A throw-in is a method of restarting play. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. A throw-in is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on the ground or in the air, from the point where it crossed the touch line, and is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball.

The player taking the throw-in shall face the field of play, keep part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside of the touch line, use both hands, and bring the ball from behind and over his or her head. The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. The ball is immediately in play when it enters the field of play.

If the player making the throw infringes on any of the above rules governing throw-ins, he or she is allowed one more attempt to throw the ball in correctly. If a second attempt is still infringing on the rules, then the opposing team is awarded the throw-in.

Law 16 - The Goal Kick

A goal kick is a method of restarting play. A goal cannot be scored directly from taking a goal kick. Since the goal kick will be played as a indirect kick, it must touch another player before a goal can be scored. A goal kick is awarded when the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the goal line, on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed anywhere within the defending team’s goal area. Opponents must retreat to their own half of the field until the ball has been kicked. The kicker does not play the ball again until it has touched another player. The ball is in play when it has been kicked directly beyond the penalty area. Another player on the team taking the goal kick may not play the ball until it has passed entirely out of the penalty area.

If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it is out of the penalty area, or a team mate of the kicker touches the ball before it is out of the penalty area then the goal kick shall be retaken.

Law 17 - The Corner Kick

A corner kick is a method of restarting play. A goal may not be scored directly from a corner kick since it is classified as an indirect kick. A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the defending team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed inside the corner arc at the nearest corner flag post. Opponents must remain at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play. The corner flag post is not moved. The ball is kicked by a member of the attacking team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved. A kicker does not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player.

Law 18 - Slide Tackling

Slide Tackling IS NOT allowed in the 8U age group. Any player attempting a slide tackle will be asked to leave the field of play. Player may be substituted.

Law 19- The Midfield Line

The midfield line is used as a build out line for 8U.

When the goalkeeper comes into possession, whether by save or goal kick, the team that was attacking must retreat back behind the midfield line. The keeper then distributes the ball. The defensive players may cross the midfield out line once the 2nd player has touched the ball.

Midfield Line under New Goal Kick Law

1. Before the ball is kicked, players on the kicking team may stand anywhere on the field.

2. Players on the defending team must move beyond the midfield line and may NOT cross the midfield line until the ball has been touched by another player.

3. In case the ball crosses the midfield line it is considered in play.

There are no offsides in 8U

  • There is no punting the ball from the goalkeeper in 8U.

    • If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. 

    • If the punt or drop kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred. 

    • Referees should be flexible when enforcing the 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build-out line.

Law 20 - Substitutions

Unlimited. Must be made from the midfield line, prior permission of the referee is required and can be made at the following stoppage in play:

  • On a throw-in (by the team in possession)

  • On a goal kick (by either team)

  • After any goal (by either team)

  • After stoppage of play for an injury (either team)

  • After a caution (the player receiving the caution)

Permission of the referee is not required:

  • The resumption of play after the half time break.


Exceptions and Additions for 9U/10UAge Groups

Last Reviewed and Updated: September 2022


FIFA rules shall apply except where such rules conflict with these rules and, in these instances, these guidelines are adopted. Unless explicitly stated, rules for 10U apply to 9U.

9U and 10U teams will play with a goalkeeper on the field. See Law 3 - Number of Players for more information.

Law 1 - Field of Play

  • Size: 30 to 40 yards wide by 47 to 60 yards long.

  • Center Circle: 7 yards in radius.

  • Goal Area: 4 yards wide by 14 yards long.

  • Penalty Area: 10 yards wide by 20 yards long.

  • Penalty Spot: 8 yards and perpendicular from the midpoint of the goal line.

  • Penalty Arc: 7 yards in radius from the penalty spot.

  • Goals: 6 to 7 feet tall by 18 to 21 feet wide.

Law 2 - The Ball

The ball shall be a size 4.

Law 3 - Number of Players

Each 9U/10U team shall play no more than 7 players on a single field at a time. One of the players must be a goalkeeper. Team rosters shall have no more than 12 players. An 9U/10U team must have a minimum of 7 players to start and continue a game, and one of the players must be a goalkeeper.

If a team does not have the required number of players, the match will be declared a forfeit and a win will be awarded.

Coaches must play each registered player who is present one half of the game unless unable to do so due to player’s illness or injury, or for disciplinary reasons. In the event that a player is present but will not be playing, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach as to the reason that the player will not participate.

Law 4 - Player’s Equipment

Each player will be required to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear. The referee will inspect shin guards and footwear for possible hazards and may order the equipment changed before the player will be allowed to enter field. Players will not be allowed to wear jewelry, including watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings or other types of body piercing jewelry. No player wearing a cast, hard or soft, will be allowed to play.

Uniforms will be color coordinated, and must have an identifying number on the jersey. "Sliding pants" may be worn provided that they match the color of the uniform shorts. No caps or headwear, except for goalkeepers, will be allowed, except during adverse weather conditions, and then only at the discretion of the referee.

Law 5 - Referee

A Referee will be provided for each match. Referee will be at least of equivalent age to an Under 14 player, and certification is preferred.

Law 6 - Assistant Referees

There will be two Assistant Referees provided. The Assistant Referees’ duties, subject to the decision of the Referee, are to indicate: when the whole of the ball has passed out of the field of play; which side is entitled to a corner kick, goal kick or throw-in, when a substitution is requested, when a player may be penalized for being in an offside position, when misconduct or any other incident has occurred out of the view of the Referee.

If Assistant Referees are unavailable, each team may be asked to furnish an Assistant Referee whose duties, subject to the decision of the Referee, are to indicate: when the whole of the ball has passed out of the field of play; which side is entitled to a corner kick, goal kick or throw-in, or when a substitution is requested.

Assistant Referees will be at least of equivalent age to an Under 12 player.

Law 7 - Duration of the Match

The match will consist of two equal 25 minute halves. There shall be a 5-minute half-time. The referee may adjust the length of the halves or the half-time to accommodate injuries, or other stoppages. The referee may elect to lengthen the half-time or provide water breaks at the 12 minute and 37 minute marks as playing conditions dictate.

Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play

A kick-off is a way of starting play at the start of each half and restarting play after a goal has been scored. Play begins when the ball is kicked and has moved. A player taking the initial kick may not play the ball again until it has touched another player. If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the point where the ball was touched the second time. A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off.

To restart the match after a temporary stoppage, specifically for an injury, the team in possession of the ball when play was halted will retake possession on restart. Opposing players must maintain a distance of at least 8 yards from the restart spot.

Law 9 - The Ball In and Out of Play

The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air. The ball is also out of play when play has been stopped by the referee. The ball is in play at all other times, including when it rebounds from a goal post, crossbar, corner flag, or referee.

Law 10 - The Method of Scoring

A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided that there has been no infringement of the other rules. Official standings are kept by the league at this age level.

Law 11 - Offside

The Official FIFA rule regarding offside shall apply. It is not an offense in itself to be in an offside position. A player is in an offside position if: he/she is past the opposition build out line, nearer to the opponents goal than both the ball and the second to last defender (including the goalkeeper). A player is not in an offside position if they are on their own defensive side of the opponents build out line, level with the second to last defender, or level with the last two opponents, or behind the position of the ball when it is passed.

A player in an offside position is only penalized if, at the moment the ball touches or is played by one of his/her teammates, he/she is, in the opinion of the Referee, involved in active play by: interfering with play, interfering with an opponent, or gaining an advantage by being in that position.

There is no offense if a player receives the ball directly from: a goal kick, a throw-in, or a corner kick.

For any offside offense, the Referee awards an indirect free kick to the opposing team to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct

Penal Fouls include kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, jumping at an opponent, charging an opponent, striking or attempting to strike an opponent, pushing an opponent, tackling an opponent to gain possession of the ball and making contact with the opponent before touching the ball, holding an opponent, spitting at an opponent, handling a ball deliberately. Penal fouls are punishable by awarding a direct free kick to the opponent of the team committing the foul.

Please note that slide tackling is allowed for 9U/10U play in accordance with the aforementioned rules.

Technical Fouls include playing in a dangerous manner, wasting time, impeding the progress of an opponent (obstruction), prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands, commits any other offense, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution of dismiss a player.

Additionally, offenses by the goalkeeper, including: taking more than four steps or more than 4 seconds while controlling the ball with his hands, before releasing the it from his possession; touching the ball again with his hands after it has been released from his possession and has not touched any other player; touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team mate; and touching the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a throw-in taken by a team mate.

In accordance with FIFA rules, a player may be shown a yellow card, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • unsporting behavior

  • dissent by work or action

  • persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game

  • delays in the restart of play

  • failure to respect the proper distance when play is restarted with a kick

  • entering or reentering the field of play without the referee’s permission

  • Also, a player may be shown the red card and sent off the field, and the opponent awarded a free kick for any of the following offenses:

  • serious foul play

  • violent conduct

  • spitting at an opponent

  • denying the opposing team a goal by deliberately handling the ball

  • using offensive, insulting or abusive language

  • second caution in the same match

If a coach or assistant coach commits any of the preceding offenses, they may be shown the yellow card or red card as appropriate, and the referee will report the infringement to the Officer of the Day for appropriate action by the PAYSL Discipline and Protest Committee.

Law 13 - Free Kicks

The ball must be stationary (not moving) when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. Opposing players must maintain a distance of at least 8 yards from the kicker. The referee will signal that the kick is indirect by raising his arm above his head, and maintaining this position until the kick has been taken and the ball has touched another player or goes out of play, or may extend his hand to signal a direct kick. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved.

Law 14 - The Penalty Kick

A penalty kick is awarded against a team which commits one of the ten offenses for which a direct free kick is awarded, inside its own penalty area and while the ball is in play. A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick. Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken at the end of each half.

The ball is placed on the penalty mark. The player taking the penalty kick is properly identified. The defending goalkeeper remains on his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts until the ball has been kicked. The other players are located inside the field of play, outside the penalty area, behind the penalty mark, and at least 8 yards from the penalty mark (along the arc).

The Referee does not signal for a penalty kick to be taken until the players have taken up position in accordance with the Law, and decides when a penalty kick has been completed.

The player taking a penalty kick shall, at the signal of the Referee, kick the ball forward, and may not play the ball again until it has been touched by another player. The ball is in play when it moves forward.

Law 15 - The Throw-In

A throw-in is a method of restarting play. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. A throw-in is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on the ground or in the air, from the point where it crossed the touch line, and is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball.

The player taking the throw-in shall face the field of play, keep part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside of the touch line, use both hands, and bring the ball from behind and over his or her head. The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. The ball is immediately in play when it enters the field of play.

Goalkeepers may not handle the ball if it is directly throw-in to them by a team mate. They may trap the ball with any part of their body other than their hands or arms, and they may kick the ball.

If a player making the throw infringes on any of the above rules governing throw-ins, the opposing team is awarded the throw-in.

Law 16 - The Goal Kick

A goal kick is a method of restarting play. A goal may be scored directly from taking a goal kick, but only against the opposing team. A goal kick is awarded when the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the goal line, on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed anywhere within the defending team’s goal area. Opponents remain beyond the build out line until the ball is in play. The ball is in play as soon as the first kick has been taken. The kicker does not play the ball again until it has touched another player.

If the kicker touches the ball a second time before it is out of the penalty area, or if an opponent does not cross the build out line prior to being put in play, the goal kick shall be retaken.

Law 17 - The Corner Kick

A corner kick is a method of restarting play. A goal kick may be scored directly from a corner kick, but only against the opposing team. A corner kick is awarded when the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the defending team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

The ball is placed inside the corner arc at the nearest corner flag post. Opponents must remain at least 8 yards from the ball until it is in play. The corner flag post is not moved. The ball is kicked by a member of the attacking team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and has moved. The kicker does not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player.

Law 18- The Build Out Line

It should be marked at least 14 yards from goal. It may be marked solid or dashed (or in emergencies with flat cones). Clubs can also choose to move it as far back as midfield.

When the goalkeeper comes into possession, whether by save or goal kick, the team that was attacking must retreat back behind the build out line. The keeper then distributes the ball. The defensive players may cross the build out line once the 2nd player has touched the ball.

Build-Out Line under New Goal Kick Law

1. Before the ball is kicked, players on the kicking team may stand anywhere on the field, including inside the penalty area.

2. Players on the defending team must move beyond the BOL and may not cross the BOL until the ball has been touched by another player.

3. In case the ball crosses the BOP it is in play.

Offside will only be called within the build out line area.

  • If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. 

  • If the punt or drop kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred. 

  • Referees should be flexible when enforcing the 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build-out line.

Law 19 - Substitutions

Unlimited. Must be made from the midfield line, prior permission of the referee is required and can be made at the following stoppage in play:

  • On a throw-in (by the team in possession)

  • On a goal kick (by either team)

  • After any goal (by either team)

  • After stoppage of play for an injury (either team)

  • After a caution (the player receiving the caution)

Permission of the referee is not required:

  • The resumption of play after the half time break (except with respect to a change of goalkeeper)

PAYSL RECREATIONAL Rules of the Game for 11U+

At the age 11U+, all PAYSL Recreational teams are registered to play in CAYSA DIII leagues and the standard US Soccer Laws of the game are enforced. You may read and review CAYSA Rules and Policies here.

  • Starting at 12U, players may begin heading the ball in matches