COVID UPDATE: Recreational soccer season canceled for Fall 2020

**This letter pertains to only our Recreational program families. Academy and Select will continue the fall season as planned.

Dear PAYSL families,

We hope all of you are enjoying these last few weeks of summer. As you know, with the end of summer comes the beginning of fall… and soccer! If you’ve been a part of our PAYSL family, you most likely have experienced the excitement and anticipation this time of year brings. Soccer is such a unique sport in that it unites old friends and new, builds lasting relationships between coaches and players, and unifies families near and far. It is a game that people all over the world cherish playing and watching, and pour their love and support into. For thirty-eight years, PAYSL has done just that. It has brought the game that we all love to the youth of this community. It has provided our young players the opportunity to play this sport that so many of us enjoy!

Therefore, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of the fall season for the Recreational program of our club. There were many factors that lead to this decision, and it was one that wasn’t made lightly. Due to the pandemic and Travis County currently sitting at stage 4, the city of Pflugerville has and will continue to keep many of its parks closed, including Wells Point Park and 1849 Park where our PAYSL/PFC players play and practice. We had every intention of playing this fall, and did a lot to prepare to do it safely, but the decision to open the parks was ultimately out of our hands. In addition, we also had a very low number of Rec players registered, and without more players we were unable to form the amount of teams we normally have. Rest assured, those who have already registered will receive a FULL refund. Any applied credits will also be reissued. Refunds will be processed within two weeks. All Rec fall registration is now closed.

We decided to make this announcement early enough for our families to find an alternate place for your children to play, if you choose to do so. While we want more than anything for our fields to be open and your player to stay with us, we’d like to offer you some alternatives for those who want to continue playing this fall. Town and Country, Wells Branch Soccer Association, Galaxy Soccer Club are leagues nearby that we trust and can recommend to you.

Additionally, if you feel strongly about speaking up about the closure of our city parks, we’d like to direct you where you can express your concerns - to Pflugerville’s Mayor and City Council page. We encourage you as citizens of this community to voice any concerns you may have regarding the city’s mandates. The next public city council meeting is on August 25th at 7:00 pm.

With all that being said, we look forward to seeing you back with us in the spring! We have high hopes that our parks will re-open by then and that we can all return to this sport that we love. To all our families that have trusted us in providing quality soccer for your player, THANK YOU. Your support has meant so much to us and we are so grateful that you had chosen to stay with us. To all our new families who wanted to see what PAYSL was all about, please return back to our organization in the spring. We will be ready to return in full force to provide you with everything that youth soccer has to offer! Thank you all again for trusting us and coming back to us year after year. We CAN’T WAIT to see you all again at THE PITCH!

One Team. One Goal.