(PAYSL Rec) Team Manager Resources


5U-8U Team Manager Guide

Being a "Team Manager" takes a lot of hard work and is very much appreciated. As the team manager, you are the focal point for the team. You keep things in order by making sure everyone knows about any practice cancellations and game reschedules. Another responsibility is to make up drink and snack schedule. This will help ensure the players on your team have drinks at every game. You will need to collect money for any tournaments and obtain the registration forms for those tournaments. Another big responsibility, but lots of fun, is planning an the end-of-the-season party. The coaches would have their hands full if he/she did not have you. You keep the parents and players up-to-date on changes that will affect the team and you make it possible for the "COACH" to coach the team.

  1. Snack Schedule – Please make out a snack schedule rotation for your team. This insures that after every game the children get a snack. Please make them nutritious!

  2. Roster – Please make up a Team Roster. This helps to get the parents on the team familiar with not only the children’s names, but also their parents. Please make sure you have the parent’s permission to print the phone numbers.

  3. Copy and give out any necessary paperwork to parents.

  4. Games Schedules – Make a copy of the game schedules and give to each parent. Relay and changes of games schedules and or practices dates or times.

  5. Remind parents of any important dates such as pictures, awards ceremony, or even next years’ registration dates. It is never too early to plan for next season!

  6. Plan an end of the season team party for your team.

  7. Be positive in all communications.

  8. HAVE FUN!

Calls to team parents

As a team manager, it is your responsibility to call all the parents on the team and tell them when, what time and where practices will be held for your team. It is also important, to let them know they should have their child at every practice. If they are not able to take their child to practice, they should call ahead of time and let the coach know they will not be there. Some coaches plan their practice drills based on the number of kids attending practice and if some do not show, it can throw his whole practice off.

Game and drink/snack schedule

You will need to make sure your parents have a schedule of the games. Include the game time, field number and team you are playing. You will also need to make up a drink/snack schedule for the team. Make sure you tell the parents responsible for bringing snacks to bring fruit drinks such as: Gatorade, Hi-C, or any sports drinks. If they want to bring snacks remember to make them healthy ones such as: Fruit Roll-ups, grapes, granola bars, etc.

Picture Schedule

Your Age group VP will communicate the pictures schedule to you and it will be posted on the website. You will need to make sure your team parents are aware of the time and have their children at the photo shoot 1 hour before their scheduled game. You, as the team manager will be responsible for picking up the pictures when they come in. Your Team Manager Coordinator will inform you as to when the pictures have arrived. You will be responsible for making sure all of your parents receive their pictures.

Concession Stand Duty

Your team will be assigned Concession Stand Duty. You need to have at least 2 people work in the concession stand at your designated time. If you fail to have the correct number of people at your designated time, your next home game will be forfeited.

Keep our fields clean

Please tell everyone on your team to place all of their empty bottles, cups, candy wrappers, etc. in the trash receptacles. Make sure all the trash is picked-up on your sideline BEFORE you leave the fields. Help us keep the complex looking good. It is very much appreciated.

Tournament Requirements

If you plan to take your team to a tournament during the season you will need to have a signed roster from either the PAYSL Registrar, and player cards. You need to make copies of the signed roster especially if you decide to go to many tournaments. You need to try and get these things finalized within enough time to get the cards from the registrars and get them signed by each player, put a picture on it and get it laminated! You will also need medical release forms (that no longer need to be notarized) from every player on your team. You need player cards for guest players also. Remember, guest players are to be written in on the roster and must be registered either with PAYSL or some other association for that season. You will also need to have the players’ jersey numbers written on the roster as well.


9U/10U Team Manager Guide

Managing a team takes as much skill, dedication and hard work as coaching a team does. The team manager has a million duties to perform which includes handling money collection, uniform sizing and distribution, paperwork and information sharing. It's the team manager who communicates with the field schedulers, season game schedulers, referees, opponent's manager, tournament organizers, players, parents and the coach. They hear every complaint, excuse and on occasion a compliment. The team manager acts as both a sounding board and a buffer for everyone connected with the team. They must remember past mistakes so they don't happen again. They must look into their crystal ball and plan for the "big picture" with tournament dates, openings for rescheduled games and other conflicts.

The Team Manager is ultimately responsible for:

  • Getting the team registered in the correct age group and level of play.

  • Attend CAYSA scheduling meeting.

  • Keeping the laminated player cards and having them available at each game,

  • Completing game cards ahead of time (home games)

  • Paying the referees (if required)

  • Recording Penalty Points for each player,coach or parent

  • Keeping track of teams' record in seasonal play and at tournaments

  • Insurance documentation

  • Making sure Release/Transfer forms are filled out when necessary

  • Having maps/directions to the different game fields where you will play games

  • Making calls to the appropriate teams to verify game time and location

  • Having the first-aid kit fully stocked and available at every game

  • Reporting game scores to the appropriate age group scorer tournament official,mailing game card within 48 hours to the your age group V.P. at CAYSA or STYSA. 

Tournament Duties:

  • Getting tournament applications turned in before the deadline.

  • Collecting tournament fees from each player. 

  • Getting travel papers and travel roster completed and submitted in enough time to avoid paying late fees and getting them into the hosting site BEFORE the team arrives.

  • Contacting guest players, revising the travel roster (if necessary) and getting guest players a uniform for the tournament

Managers Notebook

A Team Manager's Binder/Notebook (zipper style is best) should be taken to all the games/ tournaments and should include the following items:

  • List of multiple phone numbers: player/parents (work,cell,pager,emergency and email), PAYSL Board Members,Team Managers/Coaches,Trainers,Age Group Scorer & Contact (to call your scores and mail your game cards),opponent team contacts.

  • Approved Team Roster signed by PAYSL Registrar (please have several copies made)

  • Copy of each players birth certificate.

  • Notarized Medical Release Form for each player.  STYSA has a form that does not require a notary. 

  • Laminated player cards with picture and signature of each player, coach, assistant coach and team manager (you can punch a hole in the upper left hand corner of the cards and put them on a key chain ring in alphabetical order).

  • Copy of the registration for players, coaches and team manager (you should request a copy of on-line form from Registrar).)

  • Player Release and Transfer Forms

  • Game Cards Appropriately Completed

  • Maps to Game Fields of Opponents AND Maps to Home Game Fields and Game Schedules.

  • STYSA Penalty Point Report Form for recording yellow and/or red cards for individual player's, coaches,assistant coaches,trainer's or manager's for each Record of your team's season and Tournament Record

  • Game/Practice Schedule

  • White Travel Roster Form and 4 part Application to Travel Forms(if your team is traveling outside the STYSA area)

  • Copies of any special rules the Club/Association enforce (behaviour agreement, diciplinary action, commitment form, etc) to provide to each player

  • Calendar to keep up with dates and players

  • A Record of the players Assigned Jersey Number and the Sizes Ordered for Uniforms

  • Money to pay Referees,if required

  • Envelopes, Stamps, Pen/Pencil, Permanent Marker, Blank Paper

  • For Traveling Teams, a team Checkbook (for team funds), you'll experience less confusion and difficulty if you keep the team's money separate from your personal account

  • Some kind of Accounting System to justify where all the money went when the parents start asking.  Make copies of all checks and notes as to what the purpose of the check was for. 

Forms you will need:

  • Player Registration Form

  • Adult Registration form

  • Transfer Form

  • Travel Permit

  • Travel Roster

  • Medical Release

  • Penalty Point Form 

Managers Bag

A Team Manager's Bag should include the following items and be handy at each team event:

  • Extra Shoelaces

  • First Aid Kit fully stocked (bandages, of various sizes, antibiotic ointment, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, Q-tips, eye wash cup, ice/heat pack, ace bandages, tweezers, small scissors, gauze, gauze tape, muscle rub, bee sting ointment, Benadryl, sunscreen, pain reliever(Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen,etc) and saline solution for contacts.

  • Game Ball

  • Hand held ball pump

  • Manager's binder/notebook

  • Small ice chest with ice and wash cloths (optional)

  • Stop Watch (optional)

  • ZipLock Bag for jewelry,retainers,the loose tooth that decided to come out before/during the game).


DIII Team Manager Guide

Managing a team takes as much skill, dedication and hard work as coaching a team does. For most DIII teams, the team manager IS the coach, but that is not required. If there is a team parent who is willing to assist with one or more of these duties, have the parent register as a manager, then ask your DIII VP to assign them as a manger for your team.


At least once a season, a parent will contact PAYSL indicating they did not receive communication from the team coach. If you have a player who misses your first practice and the parent did not communicate with you beforehand, reach out the parent directly via text or a phone call.

How you communicate with your team parents is up to you, but here are some options.



BAND or other communication app

PAYSL has standardized on BAND for club communication to coaches. Reach out to your VP if you do not have the link for the DIII BAND. You can establish your own BAND, or use another communication app like GroupMe.

Communication apps facilitate group communication much better than GotSport messages or email. It makes it much easier for all the team parents to jump in and answer each other’s questions, instead of all communications being routed directly to you. In most apps, you can schedule calendar events with an RSVP, which is a useful way to gauge attendance for games and practices.

The team manager has a million duties to perform which includes handling money collection, uniform sizing and distribution, paperwork and information sharing. It's the team manager who communicates with the field schedulers, season game schedulers, referees, opponent's manager, tournament organizers, players, parents and the coach. They hear every complaint, excuse and on occasion a compliment. The team manager acts as both a sounding board and a buffer for everyone connected with the team. They must remember past mistakes so they don't happen again. They must look into their crystal ball and plan for the "big picture" with tournament dates, openings for rescheduled games and other conflicts.