Hot Weather Policy

Its hot in texas…

Heat is nothing new here in Texas, and we take the safety of our players seriously. That is why we follow guidance from the U.S. Soccer’s Sports Medicine Department on heat and heat related injuries. Their full document of guidelines and WBGT estimate can be found here.

How do we figure this out?

Based on the guidelines mentioned above, we base our decision on the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). This is a measure of heat stress, which is how stressful the heat is on a body. Based on this calculation, we can determine the appropriate precautions to take.

The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) provides a useful indication of the
degree of heat stress, and is used by several agencies as the basis for heat
stress prevention guidelines.
— U.S. Soccer's Sports Medicine Department

How hot is too hot to play?

Since we are in Central Texas, we are considered to be in Regional Category 3. For our region, the following Alert Levels are in place for the WBGT:

Greater than 92.0ºF (Level Black, Extreme risk)

At this level, there should be no outside training, delay the training until it is cooler, or training should be canceled. It is not safe to train at this WBGT.

90.1ºF - 91.9ºF (Level Red, High Risk)

At this level, there is a maximum of 1 hour of training, with no additional conditioning allowed. There should be four separate 4-minute water breaks within the hour.

87.1ºF - 90.0ºF (Level Orange, Moderate Risk)

At this level, there is a maximum of 2 hours of training with four separate 4-minute breaks each hour, OR a 10-minute break every 30 minutes of training.

82.2ºF - 87.0ºF (Level Yellow, Less than ideal conditions)

At this level, there should be three separate 4-minute breaks each hour, OR a 12-minute break every 40 minutes of training.

Less than 82.1ºF (Level Green, Ideal Conditions)

At this level, normal activities can proceed. Three separate 3-minute breaks each hour of training, OR a 10-minute break every 40 minutes.

Match Play Hydration Breaks (Greater than 89.6ºF WBGT)

Provide hydration breaks of 4 minutes for each 30 minutes of continuous play (i.e., minute 30 and 75 of a 90-minute match).

Commitment to Safety

PAYSL and PFC are committed to keeping our players safe and healthy. We constantly monitor the WBGT on training and match days to ensure everyone stays safe from heat-related injuries. To estimate the WBGT, please see the U.S. Soccer’s Sports Medicine Department’s document.