Happy Holidays from PAYSL and Pflugerville FC!

Dear PAYSL and PFC Families,

As you may have heard, our PFC Select and Academy programs were able to have a limited season this past fall. We were very fortunate to have completed the season without any true COVID-19 outbreaks. We believe the commitment of our PFC coaches, assistant coaches, managers, and PAYSL board members in enforcing our COVID protocols during all games, scrimmages, tournaments, trainings, and practices helped tremendously with this.

Looking towards the new year, we are hoping to have a full spring season! While things are still uncertain, we will continue to plan ahead while monitoring current COVID conditions. An announcement will be made through all our outlets when we make our decision. If things go as planned, we hope to see ALL of you back on our fields again.

On behalf of all of the PAYSL Board, we wish you all a merry and joyous holiday season! It has been a difficult year for many, but we hope the new year will bring good health, happiness, togetherness, and prosperity for all of us. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

One Team. One Goal.

*View our picture gallery below to see some of the highlights of our amazing players from this past season!